Madonna Rebel Heart Collectables Guide

Since Madonna's Rebel Heart album release on Friday 6th March 2015 there has been 80 different album pressings to collect from around the world including the limited editions and other variations. I have documented every Rebel Heart pressing from every country as they appeared around the world on this page and have included all known official worldwide Living For Love (13 total), Ghosttown (9 total) & Bitch I'm Madonna (2 total) singles. Enjoy ! Never miss another Rebel Heart Madonna item for sale: Join the Mailing List and be the first to know! Kev Buy Sell Madonna | @buysellmadonna

Collector's Guide to Rebel Heart Album & Singles

I am always updating the LATEST MADONNA COLLECTABLES BLOG so I can share information on ALL and EVERY Rebel Heart and Living For Love collectable as it appears aroud the world.

Worldwide Madonna Rebel Heart Albums

Madonna Rebel Heart German Deluxe CD with Auto-tune Baby bonus track GERMANY released two bonus-track Rebel Heart CD albums with "Auto-Tune Baby". The Deluxe comes with 20 tracks rather than the usual 19 and the standard with 15 instead of 14 and both come with German-language promo stickers which are also unique to Germany and making these an instant collector's item! (The Deluxe has completely sold out in Germany.) Buy Both Together £67.50 This brings their album total to 6 pressings so far including the usual three Euro CD pressings and the Rebel Heart 2 disc LP vinyl which was finally released on the 27th March.

Rebel Heart USA pressings The USA has 6 releases including two CLEAN verions of the Standard & Deluxe CD, along with and a 2-CD Deluxe and 2 LP vinyl album. Their standard explicit CD album comes with a promo sticker which most dont! I have also seen a USA Promo Deluxe CD and Promo Rebel Heart LP, both are commercial pressings with 'promotional only' sticker added! However there is an incredibly rare Future Disc Systems 4 disc acetate for the LP which comes with custom labels and titled sleeve (PRO B0022851-72). South of the border a very limited number of Mexican Deluxe CD album from the Mexico City launch event came with either: tattoo (300), Lithograph (500) or 4 postcard set(1000); there was also a Guadalajara launch party with a huge A1 poster & A5 numbered photograph give-a-way with sales of the Super Deluxe CD. Otherwise the Mexican-manufactured Deluxe CD is still a great item on its own! Buy Now £21.50 Mexico also has it's very own 2 CD Deluxe pressing (Hecho En Mexico) Buy Now £29.50; Mexico does however use USA imports for it's standard CD. South America has produced a 2 CD Super Deluxe album from ARGENTINA with generic sleeve sticker and manufactured in Argentina making this a very special pressing! Buy Now £29.50 There is also a regular 'Promotional-Only stickered disc' Argentine promo CD album. While COLOMBIA has manufactured it's own Deluxe CD album which interestingly is distributed by Universal Music Colombia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela! All four countries have this same release. July saw Chile produce it's very own Standard CD album! Finally, if you like promo stickers then BRAZIL has released the Deluxe and 2-CD Super Deluxe CDs and both come with Portuguese language sticker on the front!

Madonna Malaysia Rebel Heart Badge Pack SOUTH EAST ASIA produced a standard CD, Deluxe CD and 2 CD Super Deluxe albums covering SINGAPORE, MALAYSIA (with Universal Malaysia sticker) Buy Standard £28.50 Buy Super Deluxe £39.50 and THAILAND (Universal Thailand sticker). All S.E. Asia pressings are manufactued in Malaysia and NONE initially have Parental Advisory logo! Limited copies of the Deluxe CD in Singapore & Malaysia came with a Madonna Badge Pack. The Malaysian CD is the ONLY version that has the Badge Pack actually shrink-wrapped to the Case. Buy Now £34 Singapore & Malaysia (with "Free Folder" sticker) gave away the white & red 'laying down' Madonna folder freebie away with Deluxe CD. Thailand also gave this away, but with it's 2 CD Super Deluxe version! (All Thailand pressings came with a small but very recognisable blue Universal sticker. Malaysia has stopped production of all it's Rebel Heart CDs!) Indonesia finally released the Deluxe CD album which came with NO promo sticker, but has flag and text within the front spine of the casing and these were manufactured in Indonesia!

Madonna Korea Rebel Heart CD album with Korean-language sticker On the subject of Asia, SOUTH KOREA has now also released the Standard and Deluxe CD albums, BOTH with Korean-language sticker; and had initially given away the 'enlarged' Madonna Badge Pack with the standard CD, while the 2 CD Super Deluxe came with white & red 'laying down' Madonna folder. These are also "Manufactured and Printed In Korea" which is great news for collectors! There is also a sample CD with NOT FOR SALE printed on the rear artwork. In AUSTRALIA the Deluxe Rebel Heart CD album initially came with a set of four photo prints in re-sealable bag; the CD does have unique: "Warning Moderate impact..." explicit warnings on the cover! The Aussy edition was also sold with an oversized A5 photograph, very similar to the Mexican give-a-way photo! Buy Now £39.50

Madonna Rebel Heart France SNAC Deluxe Version with Living For Love Remixes CD in card sleeve FRANCE SNAC have released an amazing Deluxe CD album factory sealed with separate remixes CD in card P/S all factory sealed and promoted with red case sticker! I think its going to be hard to beat that!! Buy Now £25.50. Plus there has been three French Rebel Heart promo samplers: 6-track in card p/s sleeve, 9-track in card p/s sleeve and rarer 2 disc in fold-out card p/s sleeve limited to about 200!

Madonna Rebel Heart UK Double LP album Here in the UK we have had the usual three releases Standard, Deluxe and 2 CD Deluxe (Euro pressings) and are due the European 2x disc LP for Rebel Heart March 30th. Lets not forget the standard CD pressed for ROMANIA (& BULGARIA) alike which features slightly different cover typography with reference to Universal Music Romania & Bulgaria. Buy Now £21.50 Other similar artwork variations includes the POLISH standard CD with different typography giving reference to "Polska Cena - Zagrananczia Plyta" around the edge. (Poland also has the Deluxe CD but this just includes the long 'logos' sticker on the front and nothing more.) Along with the standard CD from UKRAINE with similar "Ukrainian Special Edition" around the edge, and the standard CD from TURKEY also with similar artwork text. I think that the standard CD album from RUSSIA may just come out on top with it's fabulous Red OBI! Buy Now £29.50 (All alternative p/s insert pressings are manufactured in the Chech Repubic rather than Germany!) The Philippines has its own self-titled: "Philippines Edition" of the Deluxe CD which is: "Manufactured & Printed in the Philippines" as the inlay states.

Madonna Rebel Heart Hong Kong 2 CD Deluxe with Eyeliner HONG KONG has released two imported CD albums: Standard (European import and the only way to buy it) & 2 CD Super Deluxe (USA import possibly with S.E.A inscription?). Hong Kong also pressed and release it's own Deluxe CD album and 2 CD Super Deluxe album. Hong Kong included a black Madonna folder give-a-way with the Deluxe CD. Plus the Deluxe also comes with Nas Eyeshadow promo sticker while the 2 CD Deluxe has come with Nas Eyeliner sample inside the shrink-wrapping and Nas promo sticker in Chinese. Finally Hong Kong also gave away the Badge Pack in 'enlarged' packaging with the Deluxe CD.

Madonna Rebel Heart Tawian Deluxe CD Version 1 TAIWAN has so far manufactured it's own Deluxe CD album which will initially comes with additonal unique wrap-around card outer p/s; this has been released in two versions with different catalogue numbers: Vers.1 (0254720213 0 inlay / 472021-3 spine) and Vers.2 (718622 31298 inlay / 472021-3A spine). Copies also still come with a 'rolled' double sided poster in poster tube & MRT card End of March saw the release of the Taiwanese 2 CD Super Deluxe (Euro import?) with additional OBI!

Madonna Rebel Heart India CD album card outer sleeve For a very different RED promo sticker grab a copy of the INDIAN standard CD album which also comes in a card outer sleeve making it unique worldwide! Buy Now £35.50 While ITALY has followed Japan and released a special edition 20-track Deluxe CD with additional Dirty Pop Remix of Living For Love, and also comes with Italian language sticker and this already seems to have become unavailable! Buy Now £39 For another interesting release get your hands on the Canadian-Manufactured Standard CD album with part French-language sticker; the Canadian Deluxe CD is however a USA import with French-language sticker.

Madonna Rebel Heart Japanese CD album with OBI JAPAN includes a bonus track on their release, but instead of an album track it added "Living For Love Dirty Pop Remix" to both the Deluxe (20-track) and the 2-CD Deluxe (26-track)! No standard CD for japan though. Japanese stores gave away a selection of free items including A3 PVC Colour Transparent Poster (HMV), A2 Calendar Poster (Tsutaya), Calendar Cards (most stores), Colour Stickers (most stores). There is also a Japanese promo only CD sampler: "U-Mode Universal International February 2015" with full Madonna cover and LFL as first track on the compilation promo. In 2016 Japan re-released the 20-track Deluxe CD with Standard artwork & 4 track music DVD making this very unique and a must have! Finally, SOUTH AFRICA has also officially pressed it's own Deluxe CD album; but may be mostly for promotional only(!?) and seems very scarce indeed!

Madonna French Rebel Heart CD album in 42 page 27by21cm hardback book packaging This is the FRENCH REBEL HEART CD ALBUM IN 42-PAGE HARDBACK BOOK PACKAGING which consists of the Deluxe CD album housed within the front inside cover of the beautiful Hardback Book packaging. The book comes with 42 pages of pictures and artwork from the Rebel Heart release and has glossy front and back cover matching the CD album artwork. HOWEVER, SADLY THIS IS A FAKE! (If you made this please contact me). All other 'book' editions are also FAKE!

Latest Madonna Collectables Blog Updated Daily!

Full details and pictures of all these items and more are on my LATEST COLLECTABLES BLOG page! Full details and pictures of every item mentioned above has/will be added to this blog.

Bitch I'm Madonna!!

Bitch Im Madonna is third single from the Rebel Heart album Bitch I'm Madonna is the third track from the Rebel Heart album to be released and 17th June saw the release of the music video to a very mixed response. Personally I loved it! So far there are no physical pressings at all for Bitch I'm Madonna but it's very early days! Details on this pressing and ALL and EVERY Rebel Heart, Living For Love and Ghosttown release can be found on my LATEST COLLECTABLES BLOG.

BIM Promo CDs

Madonna USA Bitch I'm Madonna Remixes promo CD The USA started the Madonna Bitch I'm Madonna promo race with their 10-track Remixes CD-r promo with full colour insert in ultr-slim case. This has been promptly followed by a CD-r promo from France which comes in full colour card sleeve. (Interestingly this was accompanied by a French Devil Prey CD-r promo!?) So far there is no UK promo due! Avoid ALL other BIM promos NOT listed above as they are all FAKE!

Ghosttown CD Singles!!

Madonna German Ghosttown CD single 23rd April saw Germany become the first country to bring out Ghosttown on CD single. Has two tracks and comes factory sealed and features red disc artwork. France CANCELLED IT'S digipack sleeve limited edition CD single on Monday 27th April. This has been replaced with a German imported pressing! This is also the case for the UK release which is being sold as a "limited edition" despite being a German import which is far from limited? BUY EURO CD NOW £8

Ghosttown Promo CDs

Madonna French Ghosttown promo CD 1 track This was the first Madonna promo CD for Ghosttown release and is a French promo CD, similar in design to the Living For Love promos from France and has 1 track: 4'08 (beware as fakes are being sold!) There is also a UK CD-r promo for Ghosttown in paper wrap-around inlay p/s using the standard album artwork; some come with 'blue backing' sticker. BUY NOW W/STICKER £26.50. The Netherlands has produced a 1-track promo CD which is very limited with around 30-50 existing and these generally get sent direct to DJ's in Holland (beware fakes exist). There may also be an official 1-track promo CD from Denmark but I am not totally sure yet? One last and interesting promo and the ONLY offical REMIXES promo CD issued for Ghosttown; a 12 track USA CD-r promo in ultra-slim case with Ghosttown Remixes artwork insert; 300 of these were manufactured worldwide. DJ Thrill himself (Remixer) gave some out which he signed for fans of his remixes! (There are no other offical promo CDs!) Avoid ALL other Ghosttown promos NOT listed above as they are all likely to be FAKE!

UK 4-Track LTD Living For Love CD Single!!

Madonna UK Living For Love limited edition CD single Yes, unbelievable as it seems, Universal UK pressed and released a 4-track CD single! This was very limited and has now been DELETED and now sells for up to £40! Buy Now £25+ Offers Only.

Madonna Living For Love Promos

Living For Love USA 9-track promo CD There has been quite a few promo pressings for Living For Love including UK 1 track promo CD with wrap-around artwork p/s and 'blue backing' promo sticker. BUY NOW W/STICKER £16.50 two USA 9-track Remixes promo CDs including a repressing with correct tracklist with "REVISED 2/2015" on the disc inner. Not forgetting the rare French 1-track promo in card p/s (beware of fakes!). Plus there is a fabulous Dainish Promo CD circulating with white disc and large white titled sticker on a clear plastic sleeve; this is authentic and made by Universal Music Denmark and very limited with as little as 50 manufactured. Hong Kong has also produced a promo CD with plain white disc with track details sticker stuck to the clear sleeve; this comes with a black and white p/s insert. (Beware as both of these may have been faked and sold as real) Japan produced two promo CDs; the first being the U-Mode February 2015 compilation, along with stunning 3-track CD-r promo.

Madonna Living For Love 2nd European Remixes promo CD There is also a Euro 7-track promo CD plus a second picture disc artwork 7-track promo CD and a second 6-track European promo/sampler (pictured) "Remixes (Part 2)" CD for Living For Love. Similar to the first promo which had 7 mixes but includes the two Erick Morillo and Michael Diamond remixes that were missed of the first promo plus four brand new remixes! THESE THREE AND ALL OTHERS NOT LISTED ABOVE ARE FAKE!

88 Worldwide Rebel Heart Album Pressings

As well as my daily updated collectables blog where your find details on every collectable as they appear, I have also compiled and continually update a huge list of EVERY REBEL HEART PRESSING released so far around the world for Rebel Heart, Living For Love and Ghosttown.

Quick List of Whats Sought After

    Rebel Heart Collectables
  1. French 2-CD SAMPLER with open-out p/s (ltd 200)
  2. French 6 or 9 track CD SAMPLER CD
  3. Mexico Deluxe CD with numbered LITHOGRAPH
  4. Malaysian-manufactured Deluxe CD with BADGE PACK SHRINK-WRAPPED to case
  5. Korean-manufactured Standard CD with separate 'enlarged' BADGE PACK
  6. Singapore Deluxe CD with separtate BADGE PACK
  7. Hong Kong-manufactured Deluxe CD with separate 'enlarged' BADGE PACK
  8. German-only Standard or Deluxe CD with AUTOTUNE BABY
  9. Italian Deluxe CD with DIRTY POP REMIX and 'Italian-language' sticker
  10. French 'FNAC'Deluxe CD with BONUS CD Single shrink-wrapped to case
  11. Japan Deluxe & Super Deluxe CD with DIRTY POP REMIX and OBI
  12. Japan 2016 Standard-artwork Deluxe CD with free DVD and OBI
  13. Japanese-manufactured CD albums with A3 PVC Poster, A2 Poster, Cards or Stickers
  14. Mexico-manufactured CD albums with Tatoo, Postcard Set, Poster or Photo
  15. USA & European Deluxe vinyl double LP
  16. Australia Deluxe CD with POSTCARD PACK
  17. Korean-manufactured Standard Sampler CD with NOT FOR SALE on reverse
  18. Korean-manufactured Standard & Deluxe CD with 'Korean-language' sticker
  19. Brazilian Deluxe & Super Deuxe with 'Portuguese-language' sticker
  20. South Africa-manufactured Deluxe CD album
  21. Canadian-manufactured Standard CD with 'French-language' sticker
  22. Agentine-manufactured 2 CD Super Deluxe CD album
  23. Colombian-manufactured Deluxe CD album
  24. Chile-manufactured Standard CD album
  25. Mexico-manufactured Deluxe or Super Deluxe CD
  26. Malaysian-manufactured Standard, Deluxe or Super Deluxe without PA logo
  27. Taiwan 2 CD Super Deluxe with OBI
  28. Philippines-manufactured Deluxe CD ("Philippines Edition")
  29. Russian or India Standard or Taiwan Deluxe CD with card OUTER SLIP-CASE
  30. Indonesia Deluxe CD album with alternate 'spine' flag & text
  31. Any Eastern-Europe Standard CD with 'alternative' front insert
  32. Any White/Red S.E.A. or Black Hong Kong folder editions
  33. Any USA, Europe or South East Asia 2 CD Super Deluxe
    Rebel Heart Singles' Collectables
  1. French Living For Love 1 track CD Sampler/Promo
  2. French Ghosttown 1 track CD Sampler/Promo
  3. French Bitch I'm Madonna 1 track CD-r Promo
  4. French Devil Prey 1 track CD-r Promo
  5. French Bitch I'm Madonna CD-r Promo
  6. French Devil Prey CD-r Promo
  7. Netherlands Ghosttown 1 track CD Promo
  8. Netherlands Living For Love 1 track CD Promo
  9. Hong Kong Living For Love 1 track CD Promo
  10. Dainish Living For Love 1 track CD Promo
  11. USA 12-track Remixes CD-r promo Ghosttown
  12. USA 10-track Remixes promo CD Bitch I'm Madonna
  13. USA original 9-track Remixes Living For Love promo CD
  14. USA repressed 9-track Remixes Living For Love promo CD
  15. UK Ghosttown 1-track CD-r Promo with (blue back) sticker
  16. Japan 3-track CD-r promo (UICS-1293)
  17. Japan U-Mode February 2015 PROMO SAMPLER with Living For Love
  18. UK-only (deleted) 4 track Living For Love CD single
  19. UK Living For Love 1-track CD-r promo with (blue back) sticker
  20. German/Euro (UK/France) 2 track Ghosttown CD single
  21. German/Euro 2 track Living For Love CD single

Rebel Heart Album For Beginners

If your head hurts looking at the vast number of versions and pressings of Madonna's Rebel Heart album release then I hope to clarify this in a few paragraphs.

OK, so basically, Rebel Heart album came in three CD versions: Standard (14 tracks, smiling Madonna artwork), Deluxe (19 tracks including five bonus tracks, Madonna face artwork) & 2 CD Deluxe AKA Super Deluxe (25 tracks including 6 on CD 2, red & black artwork) all are classed as explict. There is also vinyl LP currently Deluxe with two discs.

Genrally the track listing stays the same around the world but some countries have added additional tracks to their releases and these tend to be more sought after.

There are now also starting to appear additional 'Clean' versions of the Standard (14 tracks) and Deluxe CD (19 tracks) which have 'bad language' removed from the music and artwork.

All pressings come shrink-wrapped. Generally the Euro Standard CD has NO sleeve sticker but the USA Standard does. Generally the Deluxe and 2 CD Deluxe always come with a sleeve sticker. Generally these stickers don't vary much from country to country. Where the sleeve stickers are greatly different or different in colour they tend to be more sought after.

The front artwork for all three versions pretty much stays the same around the world. Where the artwork does vary in a county these pressings tend to be more sought after.

Finally some parts of the world import pressings directly from the USA or Europe and these don't vary much from the original. Where countries manufacture their own pressings these tend to more sought after!

European Manufactured Pressings

Thought it was worth mentioning that the UK has not technically had any of it's own album pressings released here for Rebel Heart as they are all manufactured in the EU (in Germany at EDC as far as I'm aware) and bought into the UK for sale. The same pressings are also sold in Germany, France, The Netherlands, etc and throughout the rest of Western Europe (which excludes the artwork variations which are manufactured in the Czech Republic). The only exceptions may be the special editions from Germany, Italy & France which have different catalogue numbers although the French FNAC edition is still an EU pressing.

Czech Repubic E.U. Manufactured Pressings

As already mentioned above the Eastern European pressings are manufactured in the Czech Republic and sourced to the various counries that sell their own variation.

South East Asia Manufactured Pressings

OK, so while on the subject of manufacturing, all pressings sold and distributed in South East Asia are manufactured in Malaysia. None have the Parental Advisory logo because this is not allowed in Malaysia. However all pressings sold outside Malaysia (Singapore & Thailand) have the logo added to the cover using a sticker.

South East Asia Madonna Badge Packs

The South East Asia badge packs consist of three Madonna pin badges attached to a red and black card holder. On all badge packs the rear packaging gives reference to "Universal Music Group International" and clearly shows "For promotional use only, not for sale".

    Where Badge Pack was given away:
  • Singapore (separate to CD) with first 150 Deluxe CDs
  • Malaysia (shrink-wrapped to CD) with about 500 Deluxe CDs
  • South Korea (enlarged packaging separate to CD) with Standard CD
  • Hong Kong (enlarged packaging separate to CD) with Deluxe CD

Rebel Heart with Bonus Tracks & Remixes

This is a quick run-down of 'bonus track' editions.

    Living For Love - Dirty Pop Remix
  • Japanese Deluxe CD and 2 CD Super Deluxe (on disc 1)
  • Italian 'special edition' Deluxe CD
    Autotune Baby - Album Track
  • German 'special edition' Standard & Deluxe CD album
    4 Track Music DVD
  • Japan-manufactured (Standard-artwork) Deluxe CD album

2 CD 'Super' Deluxe Variations

    Thought it was worth mentioning that despite so many variations of the Rebel Heart CD album there are basically only seven types of 2 CD 'Super' Deluxe to collect:
  • Europe
  • North America
  • Malaysia (sticker added for South East Asia)
  • Japan
  • Mexico
  • Argentina
  • Brazil

Rebel Heart Catalogue Numbers

Done this for the more 'Geeky' of us Madonna collectors. Catalogue number suffix with country of origin and where else its used (exported to).

    Standard Rebel Heart CD Album
  • 21168-2 USA, Canadian, Mexico, Chile & Malaysia (S.E. Asia) Manufactured (Incl. USA Export: India)
  • 21642-7 Europe Manufactured: Germany & Czech Republic (Incl. Euro Export)
  • 23686 5 German Auto-Tune Baby Special Edition ONLY
  • 26101 1 Korea ONLY
  • 71595 0 Russia ONLY
    Deluxe Rebel Heart CD Album
  • 20213 0 Australia, South Africa, Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, Philippines & Indonesia Manufactured & Taiwan (vers 1).
  • 22642 6 Italy 20-Track Special Edition ONLY
  • 23444 5 France FNAC Special Edition ONLY
  • 23684 5 Germany Auto-Tune Baby Special Edition ONLY
  • 25955 4 Europe, USA, Canada, Mexico, Malaysia (S.E. Asia) & Hong Kong Manufactured
  • 26102 8 Korea ONLY
  • 31291 8 Taiwan (version 2)
  • 87886 1 Japan ONLY
  • 13295 1 Japan (with music DVD) ONLY